At Carlow, discover an intimate, personalized environment
where faculty focus on teaching excellence, and you’re
supported to succeed and share your talents with others.
In fact, 80% of first-year students, and 82% of Carlow
seniors, participate in community-based service-learning
From undergraduate to more than 50 graduate, doctoral
and certificate programs, Carlow students graduate
ready to meet today’s workforce demands for specialized
knowledge and skills. In fact, 87% of graduates complete
at least one Professional Work Experience (PWE). Moreso,
98% of Carlow undergraduate alumni are enrolled in an
advanced degree program or employed within six months
of graduation. Also notable, Carlow students have achieved
Pittsburgh’s highest first-time pass rate for National Council
Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) for
seven consecutive years.
We will be with you every step of the way.
©Copyright CarlowUniversity, 2022
Carlow celebrated a ‘good beginning’with the March 2022
inauguration of President, Kathy Humphrey. Passionate
about helping students gain access to, and complete,
postsecondary education, she identifies with the 44 percent
of PELL-eligible undergraduate students at Carlow, as she,
too, was a PELL-eligible college student.