Mallory Collins
Mia Como
Cameron Cox
Grace Crankovic
Jessica Darkowski
School, grade:
School, grade:
School, grade:
School, grade:
School, grade:
Thomas Jefferson
Derry Area
Seton-La Salle
High School, 12
High School, 12
Senior High
High School, 12
High School, 12
School, 12
Cynthia and
Dawn and
Tony and
Jennifer and
F. Robert Collins
Daniel Como
Mary and
Christine Crankovic
Tony Darkowski
Plans: I plan to
Plans: I have
Bradley Cox
Plans: I plan to
Plans: I plan on
attend Allegheny
been accepted
Plans: I am planning
attend a four-year
attending Seton
College in the fall,
into the pharmacy
on majoring in
college majoring in
Hill University for
pursuing a degree in biology and
programs at both Duquesne University
business with a focus on information
business with the intention of applying
the next five years. I have been accepted
a minor in psychology. In addition
and the University of Pittsburgh.
systems. I do not know where I am
to law school after graduation. I
into the combined bachelor’s/
to my academics, I plan to join the
I plan to attend one of these two
going to pursue my bachelor’s degree,
also hope to continue my competitive
master’s physician assistant program.
dance ensemble Orchesis as an effort
universities and hope to pursue a doctorate
but some schools of interest include
rowing career at the collegiate level.
I hope to travel to medically underserved
to incorporate my passion of dance
degree for pharmacy. I would
the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie
areas to provide medical care
to enhance my college experience.
like to eventually complete a residency
Mellon University, University of Chicago,
to those in need. I plan to continue my
After my time at Allegheny, I plan to
in a hospital and to later specialize in
Saint Vincent and Seton Hill.
service work throughout the rest of
attend medical school and eventually
my life.
achieve my goal of becoming a doctor,
specializing in trauma.
School, grade:
Mt Pleasant Area
High School, 12
Kandida Dawson
and Albert
Dawson Jr.
Plans: After I return
from my 10-month international
exchange program to Spain, I plan
on attending Saint Vincent College in
Latrobe and studying mathematics
and actuarial sciences.
Aria Eppinger
School, grade:
Thurston, 11
Modugno and
Jeffrey Eppinger
Plans: I will
pursue a career
in biomedical data analytics, which I
discovered through science research
and biomedical internships. I also
intend to swim in college. Swimming
has taught me to work hard, set goals
and be a team player, skills that will
serve me well in my analytics career.
Through volunteer work, I have seen
how actions can make a big difference
in someone’s life. I will use my skills
to improve medical treatments and
disease prevention.
School, grade:
High School, 12
Andrew and
Kathleen Deutsch
Plans: After high
school, I plan to
study mechanical
engineering in college. As a mechanical
engineer I hope to be able to
design, build and test new machines
and invent technologies so that
they can improve the lives of people
School, grade:
High School, 12
Cathy and
Donald Slagle
Plans: I was accepted
into the
honors college at Slippery Rock University,
where I plan to become dualcertified
in elementary education and
special education. I want my students
to know that they can change the
world before told otherwise. As well
as teaching, I plan to continue volunteering
at local and global levels. I also
plan to stay involved in my church and
its worship band.
School, grade:
High School, 11
Nancy and
Gregory DeLuca
Plans: After
completing high
school, I plan on
attending college to major in biomedical
engineering. While I am there, I
plan on joining a recreational soccer
team to keep me active and to engage
with my peers.
Claire Fenton
School, grade:
Fox Chapel Area
High School, 11
Lisa and
Keith Fenton
Plans: I intend to
attend a fouryear
university to
pursue a degree related to math and
science in the hopes of a future career
path in those fields.
Tyler Funk
School, grade:
High School, 12
Grant and
Amy Funk
Plans: I will
be attending
University in the fall of 2019, and I will
be majoring in history and secondary
education, with a minor in Spanish
and music. I plan on joining many organizations
on campus, such as Relay
for Life, to stay involved in my community,
and I hope to study abroad to
further develop international connections.
Julia Fiedor
School, grade:
Thomas Jefferson
High School, 12
Lynn and
Joseph Fiedor
Plans: I was accepted
as an earlydecision
to the University of Pennsylvania,
and I will be attending there this fall,
where I will study in the college of
arts and sciences. I plan to pursue a
STEM internship this summer, and I
intend to obtain a research position
at Penn. I will continue volunteering
in Philadelphia next year through the
university’s Civic House. This spring, I
will organize and lead my third annual
Mission From TJ volunteer project for
the homeless.
Abigail Frey
School, grade:
Ligonier Valley
High School, 12
James and
Jill Frey
Plans: I plan to attend
State University to
major in biology. I want to use my degree
in biology to further my education
to achieve a Ph.D. in neuroscience
and perform research on the interworkings
of the human brain.
Payton Ferris
School, grade:
The Ellis School, 12
Sherri Ferris
Plans: I plan to
attend an institution
to obtain my
degree in both film
and English. I also plan on minoring in
women’s studies and pursuing a film
career in a way that further advances
equal opportunities for women to
represent their talents and express
their knowledge. I also had the incredible
opportunity to study the lack of
women’s education opportunities in
Guatemala in 2018, so I wish to return
there and also visit other countries to
promote the importance of learning
for young girls.